About Trish the Navigator

Are you on your path of discovery, learning to practice your intuitive abilities and to connect with your authentic self?

Through Tarot, Oracle Cards, pendulum, runes, and other intuitive divination tools I’ve used since last century, I can help you identify areas most important for your soul growth and connection.

If you want to discover how, not what, I’m here to provide an avenue of possibilities. This is not useful unless there’s a partnership. Me and you, becoming you and you.

I’m here to help navigate the course with you so you can participate fully in your best adventure.

Let’s get to it!

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Connect with Me
Through a Reading

Looking for some guidance? If you would like to explore, I offer 30 minute and 1 hour sessions. Please fill in the contact form and we can set up your appointment.

Trish shows what a tarot reading looks like.